Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Women who make tech happen October 29, 2005

Filed under: Tech News — techiedivas @ 1:45 am

Girlengineer Every day we bring you the latest news in technology, but have you ever wondered if any women were involved in the making of some of these gadgets? Although there are women in these fields, they are few and far-in-between. I used to work in the R&D department of a company who manufactured test and measurement equipment, and my group only had 2 women out of 30 engineers, while most groups had a zero female presence. The BBC reports on the inaugural Blackberry Women and Technology Awards where women gathered to celebrate each others achievements in technology.  The number of women working in tech fields continues to drop, and the consensus at the meeting was that women must continue to encourage each other while working in the tech industry. Meg Munn says that "younger women in particular needed role models to encourage them to think about careers in the profession".  My favorite quote in the article goes to Dr. Jackie Edwards, who says "It doesn’t require extra muscles or testosterone to operate a computer". That’s right sista!  Dr. Edwards runs a project that tries to raise information and communication skills for men and women in deprived areas of Leicester. Part of her approach is taking an AIBO Robot with her to make technology approachable.  Source: BBC


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