Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Gadgets the ‘Lost’ Crew Needs! October 6, 2006

Filed under: Miscellaneous — techiedivas @ 3:54 am

Lostgear I have a love-hate relationship with Lost. I love the show, hate the commercials. Why couldn’t it be a 2-hour show. Hell they should just replace Days of Our Lives with Lost. Jen over at Gearlog/PCMag put together a fabulous list of gear she thought each castaway should have on the island. I think they all need bulletproof vests if they want to survive another season. Jeeesh! Somebody dies at the end of each season, so let’s hope they get some sort of bullet-protection.

Lostscene They say this season is going to be a steamy one with the castaways finally getting busy with each other, so I think Jack will need that Kiss Me Meter desperately. Hmmm, more sex scenes huh? Maybe they should include an Oh My Bod in the gear list, and one of those musical condoms. What do you think the crew should get if they ever came across some gear? [Gadget You Need If You’re Lost]


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