Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Von Furstenberg Kisses The Sidekick 3 October 13, 2006

Filed under: Cell Phones — techiedivas @ 1:43 pm

Gizmodo has pictures of the new Diane Von Furstenberg Sidekick 3 nobody saw coming. We saw pictures of the ugly green LRG model, but seriously, who cares? I’m not about to go G.I. Jane with an LRG Sidekick 3, my friend, those days are over. On the other hand, I’m not really into DVF, either. Her fashion is a bit too mature (translation: Old ladyish) for my taste, not to mention overpriced. But I know some of you rich, socialite-wannabes are going to drool all over this model, so here it is. Drool away. Expect to get your manicured mittens on it before the end of this month.


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