Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Talk and Touch Up Your Makeup September 27, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 2:51 am

Bourjois_1It’s still all very strange to me, but while at Sephora, I spotted the most ridiculous, yet stangely alluring lipstick charm for your mobile. Burjois offers them in every shade of pink, and they have that cell phone string so you can hang it from your cell. I struggled with the idea of buying one, because on the one hand, you’ll always look gorgeous with shiny lips, but the tiny tube cost a whopping $9. Forget it, I stuck with my Dior lipgloss, which comes in a bigger container and in a rad shade. 


Swiss Army Eye Curler September 22, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 2:56 am

Check out the new Rubis new eye curler. It’s red just like any other Swiss Army knives, but this one makes your eye lashes longer and curlier.  Plus it’s really small and compact compared to the regular ones that are out there. Check it out at [Nick]


Aromatherapy Pens September 6, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 2:34 am

AromatherapyjewelpensGadget Chick has discovered these colorful aromatherapy pens that come loaded with lovely scents of lavender, mint, rose, eucalyptus, and orange blossom.  Too bad I don’t use pens as often as I should, since they have been totally replaced by the digital ink that goes on all my email correspondence–and thank goodness for that! Wait a second…is there an aromatherapy keyboard out there I don’t know about? Somebody enlighten me here! You can find them at for about $50.00.



Beauty Hacker: Natural Skin Remedies June 19, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 1:41 pm

So by now, everyone has likely already heard’s suggestion to use baking soda as a cheap and natural exfoliant. I’ve been using it every day for a week — just enough water to make a paste once a week, then diluted down quite a bit for gentler daily use — and I can affirm that I can definitely see a big difference in blackheads and overall evenness and tone. I even made a cute container out of a peanut jar and some contact paper to make it fit in with my bathroom decor.

I’ve always heard that anything good for your body is good for your face, but I’ve never gotten around to actually trying any recipes. So that got me thinking…what other natural beauty concoctions are out there that actually work? Here’s a few I’ve collected after the jump, but feel free to add more to this list in the comments!



Conceal Your Goods May 22, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 2:24 am

Flashtape Not much to do with technology, but everything to do with fashion-hence the Diva side of us. But don’t you all just hate how certain shirts just don’t close around the chest area? There’s a nice solution out there called Body & Clothing Tape that is supposed to fix that little problem.  The 30-foot roll is safe to use on any fabric, and says it won’t leave any sticky residue.  They also have other intresting things like the Nipple Concelment strips and bra liners. Wow! Bet you didn’t realize how many strange products are out there just for the breast area.


Mother’s Day T3 Giftset April 26, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 1:26 am

T3_2Sephora now has a Limited Edition T3 Travel Dryer Mother’s Day Set ($130) that you will have to get her if she’s always complaining about her hair dryer or just because she deserves it.  I have a T3 hair dryer, so I can safely say that they are amazing and really cut your hair drying time in half. It literally used to take me 10-15 minutes just to dry out all my hair. Now it takes me about 5 minutes–no kidding. I will never go back to a regular hair dryer. The travel pack includes a vinyl cover and mirror so you can travel with it anywhere.


Hair Restoration HeadGear March 23, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 1:12 pm

HdphonesThe idea of balding is enough to scare you into trying out just about anything in the market.  But have you ever heard of hair restoration headgear? Japanese health care venture B-Road displayed this headgear which has spicula electrodes to stimulate the users scalp with low frequency electric current to improve blood circulation. The gear was developed by Kanaza University and is on sale in Japan for 128,000 yen, equivalent to $1,000).

[Credit: YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images/]


Air Purification Pillow March 16, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 1:12 am

Ions_1 Air Travel can be such a stinkfest, especially if the guy next to you is getting back from his Spring Break vacation, and smells just drank a whole liquor store.  You know what I’m talking about–remember, I have a keen olfactory system.  So I got a chuckle out of this Pure-Ion Air Purification Travel Pillow sitting at Brookstone. How "delicate" are you going to look with these purifiers on your shoulders?  It has two little fans on each side to force out unplesant smells away from your breathing space. I say, just install those "Air Showers" in planes, and stick these repeat offenders in them.


My Chemical Fragrance March 9, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 2:01 am

Molecule_lowresShopping for men can be quite the task. My cop-out gift is always a nice cologne. I’ve heard/read about these new fragrances that contain only one scent and are supposed to be the first of its kind.

The first one is the Molecule 01 which features a phermone-like scent called "aroma-chemical Iso E Super".  It’s described as "woody", and tends to reappear throughout the day.

The second scent is rightfully called the Escentric 01 which is packed with ISO E Super and blended with pink pepper, lime peel and orris incense.

Both fragrances are "genderless", so I’ll be looking for this one. The graphics for Escentric 01, depicts the binary code on the bottle. [Press Release]



Busty Workout February 13, 2006

Filed under: Beauty — techiedivas @ 10:55 pm

Bustdoctor_1 When gravity becomes your bust’s worst enemy, break out the Bust Doctor. No creams, no surgery, just a little vibration.

"How to use. Firstly, spray special healthful liquid on bust. After put on bust doctor, plug in and tuurn on switch button. You can adjust vibration power by button. 15 minutes per day is efficient to make good shaping bust."

The Red Ferret