Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Dell XPS M1710 Special Edition Formula Red Notebook Computer October 13, 2006

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 1:47 pm

Here is the new Dell XPS M1710 Special Edition Formula Red Notebook Computer. Not much information or reviews are out there yet for this brand new product. Although, hasn’t anything on it yet either. Well this computer starts off for $2,969 according to Dell. Just like any other Dell you can modify this laptop to your liking. The basis components of this notebook starts off with a Windows XP Media Center (of course), 17" display,1 GB of RAM, and clocks around 2.16Ghz with Intel Core 2 Duo processor.


Mimoco’s Darth Vader October 12, 2006

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 11:21 am

Mimico is going to release a Darth Vader version of their popular Mimobots. This will be a limited edition with only 3500 being sold. These are officially licensed by George Lucas and will cost anywhere between $80 for the 1GB up to $170 for the 4GB version. If you were thinking of picking this one up, you better go to Mimico and preorder yours right this very second. It looks like they are also planning on releasing three more Star Wars drives in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out and you may be able to pick up a very cool drive.  [UberGizmo]


The Monster Flash Drive October 11, 2006

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 10:07 am

We are all looking for more storage in smaller packages, but at what cost will this come. CDW is selling a 64 GB flash drive for $5740. You can buy this and make monthly payments on it at roughly $180 a month. The technology used to make this has to be awesome but at such a high price, I am not sure that it is ready for general consumers. I know that as technology gets better things get cheaper, so this may be a little before its time. Maybe in a couple years it will be down to $200 or less, so until then, I think I will stick with my 200GB portable external hard drive.
[CDW Product Page]  [UberGizmo]


USB Birthday Celebration October 9, 2006

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 12:37 pm

Is your birthday coming up and you want an interesting way to get into the spirit? Brando is offering a USB Birthday Decoration Kit for $18. This kit includes lights in the shape of birthday presents that are USB powered, a decorative Happy Birthday mouse pad and a birthday hat. Tell everybody that your birthday is today or tell that co-worker that you appreciate them by picking up this interesting USB gadget.


Wafer-Thin CDs October 5, 2006

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 2:07 pm

I have friends who have spindles upon spindles worth of CDs that they use to backup information and programs. Unfortunately, these end up taking a lot of shelf space and start to clutter ones computer room. What if there was a way to reduce the size of this collection drastically. Hitachi has developed a 0.1 mm thick optical disk that can store terabytes of information. Standard CDs and DVDs are 1.2 mm thick and so this is a huge different in storage space. Imagine storing 12 disks in the space it would take to store one CD. Though the development of these is finished, currently there is no plan for commercialization.
[Gizmo Watch]


Pink laptop raising $$ for breast cancer prevention October 2, 2006

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 3:10 pm


If you still haven’t spotted the perfect pink gadget yet, here’s another contender in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month,  Ergo UK’s Genesis Pink Laptop. This attractive (and, uh, pink) laptop is lightweight and ready for work and play. The Ergo Ensis S
laptop is powered by Intel Celeron M 360 (1.4 Ghz) with 256 MB RAM and 40 gb hard
drive. It has a 15" screen powered by a PCI Express integrated graphics chip. It has a DVD/CDRW drive, 4 USB 2.0 ports, Modem, Wi-Fi, TV out and 3 in 1 card reader. The  device weighs about 2.8 kg and comes with a carrying case.

According to The Register, 10% of the laptop’s
£675 (US $1180) price tag goes to the Genesis Appeal breast cancer charity, which is raising money to build Europe’s first Breast Cancer Prevention
Centre. Product Page


Sony’s VAIO C Series in Pink

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 5:05 am

C_pink_bk_withmouse_300_lg_1Sony’s new VAIOs are hot! They’ll be available in five colors, so don’t freak out about the pink version yet. It only weighs five pounds, has a 13.3 inch widescreen display so you can watch DVDs anywhere, wireless connectivity, double-layer DVD drive, and other media goodies. Won’t be available until November, so get your pocketbooks/plastic ready. (Sorry, this one does not benifit cancer organizations. But they should.)  Product Page


The Year of the Tablet PC September 22, 2006

Filed under: Computers,Tech News,Technology — techiedivas @ 2:29 pm


Expect 2007 to be the year of the Tablet PC, with Microsoft Windows Vista on the horizon, and the fact that Tablet PC Functionality is built into the Operating system (Home Premium versions and above) expect to see a proliferation of Tablet PC’s gracing the consumer market.

Industry leader DELL, has already been talking about entertaining the idea of coming to market with their own Tablet PC, and today LG has released a new model, the LG C1.

Specs are unconfirmed but the Tablet is to feature an Intel Core Duo Processor, and Nvidia graphics. The notebook also allows GSM users to use their SIM cards, for wireless connectivity and off course features 802.11 wireless and Bluetooth.



Oriental BenQ LCD September 20, 2006

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 12:16 am

BenqlcdBenQ has gone all oriental on their FP7985+ LCD monitor featured on Aving News. The monitor itself looks very nice, although I wasn’t able to get an actual specs on it. I’m not loving the details on the front of the monitor, but the larger flower seen on the back of this LCD is a nice touch. Very feminine.


Wheels & Wheels August 27, 2006

Filed under: Computers — techiedivas @ 6:42 pm

How many wheels does your mouse have?  Well, the Logitech VX and MX Revolution mice have been engineered with more.  Not only do they have an extra wheel placed under your thumb, but they have made them out of a heavy-feeling alloy.  When you use the mouse, apparently you can spin the wheel and it will move smoothly for up to seven seconds before coming to a stop.

Two on the MX and only the usual one on the VX gives you choices you might want.  The VX includes a switch to toggle between modes (the application and your systems settings) while the MX offers that with the second wheel.

We’ve just gotten out of the mice genre in which you had a ball to clean each week and now they are adding more parts to mess with.  It looks incredible but I’m not sure how much sense it makes to fork over $79-$99 for a mouse.  Take care when choosing to buy this and make sure you know what you are investing in. 

I tend to like Logitech products so I might look into this type of mouse later on.
