Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Mirror Helps You Be All You Can Be October 12, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 2:19 am

Everyone needs some motivation when confronted with life changing decisions such as changing your diet or starting an exercise routine. Celebs look great, but you have to remember they have a staff that prepares all their meals, schedules their exercise routines, and do all their grocery shopping.

But thanks to Accenture Technology, we all may soon find ourselves face to face with our very own drill sergeant/fitness coach/dietitian. The "persuasive" mirror acts as a guide of sorts, that produces before and after images of your outer shell after gathering data through cameras on each side of a panel. Its mission is to provide you with morphed images of an improved, slimmer, healthier you that would be the result of basic good habits. And who doesn’t need the motivation? A morphed hotter image of myself might help me cut down on that midnight snacking, as long as it makes me look like Beyonce. Via Engadget


HP’s Personal Wrist Hub October 11, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 4:54 am

Filing this under concepts, HP has seen the future of mobile devices in the year 2016, and is unveilling a concept that connects all your gear with one very fashionable wrist band. The Hub is a watch that communicates with your mobile using Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi. According to Cnet Uk, "users would set up a personal area network using ultra wideband
(UWB), but also Bluetooth if they were still using today’s devices. All the
radios for external connectivity — whether 3G, Wi-Fi, WiMax or any other bearer
— would be contained in the hub."


Your Caption Here October 4, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 4:07 am

I’m speechless….Saki2bigpic [Via Notcot]


Remember It With Heat September 22, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 2:49 pm

This prototype ring is an interesting reminder to your spouse that will not allow them to forget that special wedding day.  That’s right, you can program the ring with a date.  Near that date, each year, 24 hours prior to the dedicated day, the ring will heat up to around 120 degrees (not hot enough to burn you but hot enough to "remind" you) on their finger.

This is a quick and somewhat painless reminder of that special anniversary day that everyone seems to claim to forget.  A ring like this will not allow you to simply forget!  Not only does it heat up but it does so every 10 minutes during that 24 hour period.

The Remember Ring converts the heat from your hand into electricity utilizing some kind of micro-thermo pile setup.  In fact, The Foo Logs had a great point in saying that there is no on/off switch for this lovely invention…and so once you DO remember the special date, are you then being punished for the "sins" of all the men that forgot in the past?

Good point!  Original idea by Cleve Oines who runs the website for Goldsmith Gallery.  Is this technology at work or a horrible gadget that will haunt those that decide to wear it?


How High Can You Jump? September 21, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 2:41 am

PowerbootsThe "Power Boots" are a new concept created by Russian Scientist Vicktor Gordeyev that allow the wearer to run at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour. They’re powered by diesel fuel or biofuels like vegetable oil. Watch the videos after the jump to see them in action. They’re in Russian, so if you speak the language, don’t hesitate to translate it for us. [Source]



Those Who Dine Together… September 12, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 3:21 am

Socially_dining2Stay together? I think I just made that one up. But the Socially Interactive Dinning Center pictured here is designed to encourage more social interaction through cooking and dinning together. Yanko Design has an actual image of the concept design created by Imogen Lawson. It seats four people, who take turns preparing, cooking and serving food. Neat concept, but one better suited for a restaurant atmosphere than a home. Although, you won’t hear me complain about more help in the kitchen.


Sometimes Two Are Better Than One

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 2:58 am

Usb_doublestick_3DesignBoom found this curious USB-stick concept made for sharing. On one side yousave all your work docs, and on the other you can upload your MP3s, private emails, love letters, games or even porn. Oh, don’t act like you don’t have any. This is only a concept design by designer Marc Julian Zech in Germany, but a good idea always finds its way into production. We’ll just have to wait and see if this one does. 


LED Nose Ring for GeekRockers August 30, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 1:26 am

Nosering It’s really just a concept design for a Core 77 Design competition, but this LED nose ring would be a great idea for geeky punk rockers. Imagine going to a nocturnal rock fest, and standing out with an blinking LED nose ring. Every time you exhale, a delicate fan transforms your breath into electric energy to power the glowing stud. It’s a strange design really, but one that is surely feasible since there is already an LED belly ring available that does the same thing. No breathing required for this one.  [Via Coolbuzz]


iMac Of The Future August 27, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 7:19 pm

From the monitor display to the keyboard, mouse and speakers…this iMac concept looks like great eye-candy!  Completely see-thru when turned off and neatly displayed when turned on, this iMac is sleek in design.

Conceptualized by illustrator and designer Adam Benton, this goes to show us all that anything is possible when it comes to design and possibilities.  Wireless and boasting a 30" screen, many assume the screen would include touch-sensitive capabilities.

The keyboard shows with a lighted addition (they make those but I haven’t seen a clear setup yet, they glow green or blue instead) and the speakers are very small tubes on the sides.



Inflatable What? July 27, 2006

Filed under: Concepts — techiedivas @ 4:01 am

File this under "World Gone Mad". If your chair owns your derriere, maybe it’s time to upgrade to a more functional one. I think my chair has become a part me, but if it had the ability to shower me, I would be in big trouble. Leave it to designer Daniel Harper to come up with a concept that won’t sound too bad in a few years.

The Douchaise is a chair which unfolds to become a fully functional shower with air supported walls. The shower’s base houses a blower, water heater, pump and filter which recycles water to reduce actual usage. The structure fully inflates to form the shower walls in just 2 minutes. Inside are two rooms, one for showering (the wet room) and one for undressing and drying off (the dry room). [Via coolbuzz]