Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Nap At Work in a Pod September 28, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 3:00 am

NapWouldn’t this be nice to have one of these at work? Metronaps’ pods is for the powernappers who end up taking a quick rest in their car during lunchtime to get through the rest of the day. The pod’s spherical shape cocoons your upper body creating a semi-private enviroment to sleep in. It also features Bose Quiet Comfort 2 headphones to enhance your experience. Waking up is also a gentle process, as the pod vibrates and lights up to let you know its time to go back to work. I think every company and airport should have one of these, but unfortunately, they’re only available in New York. Any of you  New Yorkers tried them out?


PC Mag’s Top 99 Undiscovered Sites September 6, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 6:51 pm

UndiscoveredPC Magazine has published a list of its Top 99 Undiscovered Web Sites, sharing with us their favorite "cool sites you’d never find on your own." We all love discovering new things, don’t we? So check it out! These sites are still flying under the radar, they say, but interesting enough to enter the public’s consciousness. The surprisingly good news, is that we made on the list! Yay! We are raw undiscovered material, which means the best is yet to come. We’ve had so much support from all of you guys visiting the site on a daily basis, and those linking to us and spreading the word about our mere existence on the overcrowded information highway. We totally think you guys rock, and we are nothing but digital particles if it weren’t for you. Wanna hug it out? Is this the year of the Underdog? You bet your arse it is!


Priceless! July 26, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 3:14 pm

Tourist Remover

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but getting a clear picture is priceless !!! No really it’s free!!! Ever try to capture a physical record of a historic or scenic spot during your vacation, only to find it littered with other tourists? or just find it impossible to capture your picture without someone being constantly in your crosshairs? Well there are two ways to combat this problem? One, if you’re a pro with Photoshop (or can find a friend who is), you can digitally remove the offenders or two send your pics in for free to the Tourist Remover service.



USB Programs May 30, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 5:41 pm

If you’re like me, you’re just now finding out how useful a USB pen drive can be.  I’m slow, I know…but I found a site today that just blew me away.

It says:  These FREE programs do not require any installation and can be run
directly from a USB drive. Keep some useful apps handy while on-the-go!

There are portable versions of Firefox and Office out there as well.  Here is a handy site that will take you to the limits of putting programs on your USB pen drives so that you can be as efficient as possible.

Some of the programs listed are:

  • TreePad Lite – personal database and more
  • Foxit PDF Reader – alternative to Adobe
  • Quick ‘n’ Easy FTP Server Lite – as it says, and FTP server
  • FollowMeIP Lite – shows your IP address even if you’re behind a firewall

There are MANY more listed here and elsewhere so take a peek and use your USB pen drive to it’s fullest extent!


Windows Media Player 11 Beta available for Download!! May 19, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 2:48 pm

Windows Media Player 11 Beta is available here for download

Even though it is beta, you should check it out, but only if you have Windows XP.  It works well with Xbox 360 and any Windows Media Centers too! It kind of has a iTunes feel to it. Just has a little more graphic side to it and easy drop down nav bars for you to rip, burn, and sync. You can also manage your pictures, videos, and recorded TV shows with it too!! 

But there isn’t a feature for podcasts yet. Not sure if there will because that is more of an Apple thang..


Mom Inventors Unite May 17, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 10:33 am

Mothers are always looking for a way to make their baby safer and happier and caring for them more effective and convenient. Many times it is hard to find what you are looking for on the market. The search just got a little easier. A successful mother inventor has created a company that distributes products made by other moms and even has a book to show moms how to bring their ideas to the market. Tamara Monosoff is the Inventors Inc. founder and author of The Mom Inventors Handbook.



Fold now in public beta May 3, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 1:37 pm

Just entering public beta, this week’s new Ajax-flavored start page already has way more features than any others that have caught my attention.  The ability to populate containers with your own html, flash application, and a slideshow based on flickr tags stand out above the requisite notepad, weather, and RSS reader.  But the strength in Fold is that an html container can have more than just text and images…you can also include JavaScript and iframes that contain OTHER Ajaxy applications.  Many of the examples listed in the FAQ only include 3 lines of easy copy and paste code.  In only a few clicks I was able to integrate my Pandora player, a word processor, and Google Maps, but the possibilities for expansion are unlimited.  I hadn’t yet been able to get really excited about having a handful of Firefox tabs open to duplicate features that I can already do on my laptop, but the prospect of using them all in one page intrigues me enough to at least give it all another try. Oh yeah, works on Firefox only. [Link via Lifehacker]


Yahoo! Tech: Tech Made Simple May 1, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 1:40 am


Yahoo! Tech has been launched, and I encourage to you to bookmark this site. I think we’ve all been at a point in our tech experience when we just want straight-to-the-point practical advice without all the jargon. Purchasing electronics is not as easy as walking into a mall and choosing a killer pair of jeans. You have to do the research, compare products and prices, read other user’s feedback and yes, even learn a few technical terms. Nothing could be more frustrating than walking into an electronics store only to be faced with a sea of acronyms– MB, 3x zoom, RAM, CPU, GHz, GB. Trust me, I’ve been there many times myself.  I want to know simple stuff like how many songs I can fit in an iPod? How many pictures can I take? or How do I convert video into digital format? Sometimes you just want someone to translate tech speak into plain English. This is where Yahoo! Tech comes in. They have assembled a team of Advisors who provide you with real-world tech advice and other practical information so you don’t feel so lost next time you’re faced with all these unpractical tech terms. That’s not all…



Kids AOL Site April 25, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 11:08 pm

Kidsaol_2It’s never too early to introduce kids to the Internet, that’s why AOL has launched site like KOL Jr. for kids between the ages of 2 to 5 yrs.  According to Bios Magazine, the site contains cartoons, music, bedtimes stories and other interactive features to help parents introduce the Internet to their children. It’s definitely a great way to keep the kids busy while learning about new things. It sure kept me entertained with those funny cat videos.


You Snooze you Lose April 22, 2006

Filed under: Cool Sites — techiedivas @ 8:15 am

This is an area that i’ve had personal experience with. Just this week, a friend and I, came up with the name for a website we wanted to register. We tried two sites to check for the domains availability and GoDaddy.

The name was available, but we didn’t jump to register it; we weren’t ready. The following morning I went back to check on the name again just on a whim. It was gone.

On doing a WHOIS search, it turns out that the name was registered within minutes of our original searches, and of course, that just seemed preposterous.
