Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets

Tetris Magnets August 22, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 11:52 am

I know that these are not exactly gadgets or new technology, but I think we all have a place in our hearts for Tetris. This game is very addictive and now you can be reminded of it every time you walk to your refrigerator. Art. Lebedev Studio has designed these magnets to resemble the seven different shapes from Tetris. Currently the magnets are only up for preorder. The magnet set includes all seven possible figures. Order a whole bunch and you can play Tetris on any of your metal surfaces.
[Product Page]  [Gizmodo]


iPod Nano Clutch August 13, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 7:38 pm

What do you get when you mix a stylish and convenient clutch purse with an iPod Nano case?  Why, the NanoClutch, of course.

A mix of beautiful and genuine leathers or a choice of faux leathers that you can choose to match your personal style.  Pacific Design has created a nice combination to keep your iPod Nano safe from scratches and loss…and yet still allow you to keep yourself stylish.


  • Built-in, dual-access iPod nano case
  • Four (4) I.D. or credit card
  • Ear-bud/cord mesh storage pouch
  • Billfold
  • Small bus pass or
    credit card pocket inside front flap
  • Fits 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB iPod Nano

Just like certain credit cards claim–don’t leave home without it!  Choose from 5 colors.


Press, Play, Select Baby’s Gender August 9, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 8:33 pm

Genselect2_smallYes, pregnancy
seems to have gone high-tech. GenSelect is a product that allows you to select
the gender of your baby. Once you are pregnant there is nothing you can do to
change its gender, so the idea is to use this product as you are trying to
conceive. Technology fans who truly want to remote control everything about
their lives will probably like this product. Or it may be a solution for those
who have had seven girls and are still trying for a boy… Regardless of what
your reasons are, GenSelect has formulated gender specific neutriceutical
supplements that are supposed to create a biological bias towards the gender of
your choice. They do this by combining vitamins and herbal extracts to increase
the chances of your techno egg attracting the right sperm cell to produce the
baby you want.
sincerely doubt this is fool proof, but GenSelect seems fairly confident about
this invention, they better be when they are charging $439.00 for a kit! Now we
can control our child’s gender with an elaborate kit, I’m just waiting for them
to develop a remote control that controls gender, and throws in your preferred
hair and eye color as well. Who knows, the sky’s the limit. For now, you can
‘adjust’ your vaginal environment (according to GenSelect!) so you can conceive
your baby, who’s gender you are also ‘selecting’.


Diamond Headset

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 7:48 pm

A new feature on seems to be dressing up your style.  Quite a few items on there are both practical and sleek but the diamond headset is definitely a girls best friend. 

In white gold with diamonds or a rose colored tint mixed, this headset will draw attention to you and be practical yet…indulgent.

Worn like jewelry and with just a spritz of flair, they will capture the eyes of others even if you’re on the move.  A pretty high pricetag might not matter to some…for the search of the ultimate gadget can’t come cheap!  Why not accessorize in the same manner?

Comes in star designs, lightning with an arrow at the bottom, moons and hearts so you can choose which suits you, like a great shopping trip, for that lovely personal touch.

Definite luxury, take a peek at the advertisement for contact information and pricing.  Here’s our source.


Cordgo Keeps You Untangled

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 11:35 am

When I saw this I immediately thought of the other products out
there that keep your headphone cords organized.  I compared this brand
to a few others and I really think this one has more features.

The Cordgo keeps your headphone wires in place to keep you from
getting tangled.  It includes a hook that could be placed either on a
belt loop, arm band, key chain or other equally important place. 

The concept is that it winds the cords up inside the Cordgo and you
can easily expand or contract the length of your cord.  No more
damaged, tangled or misplaced cords.

Not only is this good for iPods or music devices, but any item like
a hands-free mobile headset, USB cables, docking stations and more
could well utilize this gadget. 

Visit the Cordgo site and check the price of $9.99 for this item.  Well worth the convenience!


Compact Enough For Most Any Purse July 14, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 11:49 pm

Have you been caught up in the latest trend with all the compact MP3 players?  I certainly have and not only has the iPod captured my attention, but the Creative brand has brought some attention to itself lately.  Take a peek at the MuVo Slim by Creative and try to find a good reason why this wouldn’t be compact enough for you to store away in your purse.

As slim as a credit card, this one’s the extreme side of ‘portability’ and gives you all the same options as some of the thicker models.  I have poured over the different brands and sizes and this one has me drooling.

I carry a smaller purse and this one would fit perfectly with my cellphone beside it.  You can enjoy up to 8 hours of music stored or use the built in FM tuner for local stations.  It also has a personal voice recorder, built in microphone and up to 16 hours of recording for this option.  Choose from 7 different colors including a nice feminine pink.  (I like pink!)

Recharges via USB and uses drag/drop setup to move files…making it easier to use on the go without extra software to worry about.  While carrying gadgets, you must make sure they are small when you want to travel light.  Take a look at the specifications from Creative and consider this MP3 player as your next purchase if you seek this type of slim portability.


iPod Flashy Additions July 8, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 11:08 pm

You think you have every accessory for your iPod and they come out with these!  Groovy headphones with wires that illuminate with your music.  Not only do I love gadgets but I love the accessories they bring out to go with them and make things more ‘personalized’.

You can enhance your musical experiences with your lighted beats.  With different settings for the lights to either flash or blink to the beat or give a constant lighted neon flow, you can enjoy the attention you will get while jamming to your favorite music.  You also get a choice of 6 different colors to personalize your experience further.

The iBeat headphones work with all MP3 players, including the iPod, iPod Mini and iPod Shuffle.  Looks like a pretty fun addition to my listening and I’m definitely taking a look at pricing.  Made by Design Annex they run around $29.95 and are slim but I’m unsure how much of a hassle the battery pack would be.


Classic 1956 iPod March 29, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 5:53 pm

Here is what would’ve happened had the iPod been released back in the Fifties. Worth is holding a contest to take modern products and display them in a vintage package or vice versa.  LinkRetropod


Is Your New Man a Cheater? March 23, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 12:10 pm

DontdateIf you just got back into the dating circuit after a bad breakup, and want to exercise caution next time around, then say hello to a new weapon against cheaters. Visit Don’t to find out if there is any dirt on your new suitor. The site  was founded by women with women in mind, and offers chicas a way to share their experiences with cheating men by posting pictures and other information about them in a searchable base. Nothing could be worse than to find out Don Juan has a baby on the way a little too late. [Props to NewsFactor]


LED Flower Pot February 21, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — techiedivas @ 1:09 am


It’s too early right now to start thinking about summer decor, but this is a great idea that will light up any garden at night. The Bloom LED embedded flower pots are available in red, lime, pink turquoise, purple and white and come in three sizes. These pots are made of high-grade recyclable plastic and feature lighting encased in a double walled molding so water doesn’t get to the lights.  Product Page [via Gear Live]